Bio -style survival horror Outbreak: Shades of Horror Steam Store Page & Demonstration Open -Kickstarter will also start

Developer DEAD DROP STUDIOS has released the Steam store page and demonstration version of the latest work survival horror series Biohazard style survival horror series Outbreak: Shades of Horror .

This work is the latest work of the Outbreak series released since 2017. Players aim to escape from CYPRESS RIDGE, where the outbreak has occurred, using a craft system that can make weapons and equipment.

The game has a story campaign and bonus mode in addition to multi-play, which can play up to three people. The camera work also has a first-person, third person, and a retro fixed camera.

In addition, the previous work Outbreak: Contagious Memories respected 90s Survival Horror, while the title of early 2000s is introduced as the yuan.


Outbreak: Shades of Horror will be released on PlayStation5/Xbox Series X | S/STADIA/PC (Steam). The demonstration version is being released, and the Kickstarter campaign will be launched on August 31, local time.
