New shipping and Troubllon: New World sketches its update "Heart of Madness"

After a wave of fixed fixes in February, the studio Amazon Games begins to sketch concretely the content of the major update of March of New World . Baptized "Heart of Madness", it will include a new expedition (New World Dungeons) and a new weapon, the Trouble.

It is remembered that in the latest "Game Dev" of the MMORPG, the developer had mentioned his intention to deploy content that would change the narrative frame of New World and to better immerse players in the history of the island D 'Aenum. This is particularly the subject of the next expedition of the game. The update must make it possible to "better understand the history of Isabella" via the new developments of the main quest that will lead us to hunt Isabella until the mountain of the High Chaos: "This race forward will take you to the big confrontation. Final ", in a" dimension where reality is altered in the disturbed capital of Myrkgard "in order to pierce" the secrets of his past while you immerse yourself in his altered spirit. " This new expedition is designed to be played by five level 60 players, with a device score from 550.

The development team also mentioned the next weapon that will be deployed in the game world, the Trouble, a firearm "which allows great mobility as well as powerful low-to-reach attacks". According to the developer, the Trouble is linked to strength and intelligence, therefore particularly suitable for colossics and mages. And it is accompanied by two mastery trees to adopt two separate play styles:

  • The containment tree, obviously very offensive and targeting a precise opponent;
  • The chaos tree that focuses on keeping distances and bombarding areas with explosives.

Retelling Heart of Darkness

To date, the update date is not specified, but "Heart of Madness" must be tested before landing on New World's live servers. Amazon Games teams indicate wanting to collect the advice of players and possibly make adjustments before deployment.


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