For Spider-Man: No Way Home were large guest performances planned

No Can you have too many bad villains in a superhero film? The team behind the new Spider-Man: No Way Home have probably dealt with this topic, as the author Chris McKenna explained in an interview with The Wrap.

More rogues should have a performance

The new Spider-Man movie brought back many well-known villains back to the canvas. Including, for example, Doc OCK, played by Alfred Molina, and Willem Deifies Green Goblin. In fact, there were probably plans to accommodate even more rogues in the movie, but the team decided, however, when Peter Parker is not pushed out of the foreground of action:

I do not know if we are allowed to talk about it, but there were a few big characters. But almost too big, because it became a real balancing act: how we not only tell a story with all these great rogues that we in want to bring this movie, but also, how do we make a Tom Holland / Peter Parker story, so that he is not completely overshadowed? Because at the end of the day it will not be a great spider-man movie, if you do not have an emotional Peter Parker History tells. We had this huge idea with all these great actors, but we also had to tell a story that felt, as if we were telling a personal story for our main character.

The entire, pretty detailed interview of The Wrap is definitely worth a look for each spider-man film. If you are curious about Spider-Man: No Way Home (Buy Now €22.99), however, be caution: Currently, a Trojan lurks in the net, if you want to watch the new movie not too legal way.
